There have been many responses to the Way messages, and to the ╥Night of Lights...╙ releases. It is good to see so many people respond so favorably. Many have asked if they might have direct communications with the DOMA. Others have asked if they could send messages to them through myself, and the other helpers of the Way. Whatever I know, they know. They are aware of all things that happen on this Earth. They are very pleased that their words have not caused confusion, or fear. They are also pleased at the number of respondents.
My Lady is very pleased to know she is remembered by so many. She has asked me to pass on the following request. The first Saturday of each month is special to her. She has asked that on the first Saturday of December, December 3rd, that those who believe will put aside all things, and share their beliefs with others. This does not mean to go and preach to anyone. Rather, let the example of your devotion be a sign to all people. She also asks that anyone who believes in God to spend this day in prayer, and right service to others. It does not matter what faith you are. If you believe in God, then make this day a special day of peace, understanding and good will toward all mankind. Let this day be a day of healing, and spirituality. Gather together with friends and be aware of how precious life really is. Hurt no one on this day. Do not make war on this day. Pray to your God, and thank God for the gift of existence itself.
Do not worship Mara, for this is reserved for God alone. You may honor her for all that she has done for you over the years. Remember, there is a difference between honoring and worshipping. Worship only God. Pay honor to the prophets that have come before, in her name. Make this a special day of remembrance for all that have sought to bring you closer to God.
This ╥special day╙ begins at 12:00 AM, no matter where you are on this Earth, and ends at 11:59 PM that night. If you can, try to be outside as much as possible. If you have a camera or video equipment, keep it near, for you never know what might show up. If there are those among you who are ill, or in need of healing, then share your healing spirit with them. If you believe and they believe, they will be healed. This is what she has asked me to tell you. She has asked that you be as Human as possible, for at least one day.
This day marks the beginning of a special period of time for her. December 25th is also a very special date for her. Try to be good, and let the spirit of your God be visible to everyone, so that all mankind may be blessed.
After this special day of December 3rd, write to us of your experiences. Let us know what little miracles happened in your life on this day. It may have been something as small as a sense of well-being, or it may have involved something of a much greater magnitude. Whatever happens, let us know and share it with others, so that they may believe also.
You are a good people. Be especially good this day.
Peace and Blessed Be all the children of the Earth,
The Way installments are now available via FTP, FTP-By-Email, and WWW (shortly). If you would like a complete set of those currently published, or would like to add missing installments, you may retrieve them using the instructions below.
(This can be a busy site during peak hours. Should you get a
"user access denied" message, it just means all available pathways are in use at that moment. Keep trying when you get that message, and usually within another 5-6 tries, you will get through.)
(1) To Get A File When You Already Know The Filename:
Put <> in the address (the ╥To╙ section)
(don╒t put anything in the ╥Subject╙)
Put the following command in the body:
open anonymous ftpmail/your address
(Be sure to substitute your complete email address in place of ╥your address)
Next, (on separate lines) put the following command (in the body):
get /pub/way/filename
(Be sure to substitute the exact name of the file in place of ╥filename╙)
(2) To Get A List Of Available Files:
Put <> in the address
(don╒t put anything in the ╥subject╙)
Put the following command in the body:
open anonymous ftpmail/your address
(Be sure to substitute your complete email address in place of ╥your address)
Next, (on a separate line) put the following command in the body:
dir /pub/way/
(This command will send you a list of all files in the directory. Then, select the file(s) you want, and put their filenames place of ╥filename╙ in the commands given in Option 1 (To Get A File When You Already Know The Filename)
If you would like to add The Way to your FTP/WWW site, please contact us at <>. We'd just like to know where the sites are, so we can make them known to others.
Another note... The Way is not channeled material, so please, if
you already have them on an FTP/WWW site categorized as such, change them accordingly.
Remember that you are free to Re-Send, Copy and otherwise Distribute, The Way, as long as you make no changes to the content.